
The scene:

{I think it will be a while before smart cars are a trend in the farm world.}

{Carhartts, on the other hand, have no problem being a trend.}

Some of the items for sale:

Possibly three of the four people under seven at the auction:

{August, our personal auction guide; Elliana, the only person in pink at the auction; and Wyatt, who looks very excited about this tractor.}

I should have taken a picture of myself. If I had I would put it here and the caption would read:

{The only woman at the auction who brought her young children, wore a light blue coat, and took pictures.}

I guess no one else thought an auction in the cold would make a good a family outing. Considering our wide variety of entertainment options, I don’t know why not. Except for the cold, I was happy for the entertainment.  It made for great people watching, listening to an auctioneer is mesmerizing, and I find anything interesting if I think I can blog about it.

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