
Back in April, I heard a message by Mark Kremer about having a mission based on Esther 4:1-17. Usually I’m skeptical about that type of thing, but this one actually hit home for me. I was just beginning to process that I would be moving back to the farm. This gave me hope that there was purpose in that and let me feel like blogging wasn’t a waste of my time.

Looking back over my notes this is what I see…

1. God is sovereign and at work in our lives at ALL times. So He has a purpose in moving me again.

2. Consider the pain and confusion of those around me. My mission should focus on addressing those needs.

3. My mission must NOT be about making myself comfortable. I certainly wouldn’t mind just staying in Lincoln where I am quite comfortable.

4. My mission must involve risk. A greater risk to having a mission is to not live on mission and waste my life. Farming and living in a very small town is a definite risk in my book.

5. To complete my mission I must act, on complete reliance on God and in partnership with others.

Not in my notes, but what I remember…

6. When considering your mission consider the unique place God has you (rural America counts for only 16% of the population) and the talents He’s given you (writing).

As a result of that message, I created my mission and now blog a lot.

To glorify God by telling others what He’s doing in my life through the platform of a small farm town blog in hopes they will grow and know Him more.

It’s good I reviewed this because I think I may need to step it up a notch and listen to that message again.

Anyone else have a personal mission?

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About Julie

I'm blogging to glorify God by educating you about farming and telling you what God's doing in my life in the small (we're talking village) town in which I live.

7 thoughts on “Mission

  1. Ah Julie, I needed to read that….I’ve been praying about one of the “mission” things I’m involved in as to where the future should go. I’m going to be thinking about all those points and how it applies to my life. Thank you so much for sharing that! love you, joy


  2. Julie!!!! I was just reading Esther today and doing a study on it as well! God’s timing is so perfect!! The study I did talked about God using us as a MEANS to and end, not necessarily the end. We might not understand or even get to see the end, but if we follow God’s path He will use us as His means. So awesome. Love your thoughts on it as well!


  3. Hey, Julie . . . I should be in bed, but since you gave me new reading material, here I am! This is such an inspiring post – not only because of the meat of the message – which is quite powerful – but because of what you are doing in your life to make those points purposeful. So many days I feel like I must just get through the day without feeling mama guilt and keep a walkway through my house. It’s so easy to get caught up with the ‘me’ instead of the ‘serving’. Great, great stuff . . . your blog serves you well in sharing!


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